Service, Engineers and Consulting


Welcome to Thai KDW Group


Thai KDW Industrial Co., Ltd. is a leading service company focused on providing solutions for manufacturers looking to improve their output through process, energy and chemical cost improvements.


Our customers want suppliers to take an active role in the success of their business. They want someone who offers sustained productivity and on-going expertise that lowers overall costs. Thai KDW Group has long recognized the need for value added dedication through service and then through product supply.


Customers can only achieve greatest value when a supplier works together synergistically. This relationship between customer and supplier compels Thai KDW to view our customers broader requirements.


Consequently, we have sought to develop in-plant management solutions based on international procedures to provide incremental savings to all areas of the business cycle.


Allow Thai KDW Group to work with your company to transfer best practice to your process.

Thai KDW Industrial Co., Ltd.

Recycle! Reclaim! Reuse!

· Process troubleshooting

· Engineering design and plant audit

· Chemical cost reductions

· Energy and pollution reduction

· Warehousing and logistics

Engineering and Consulting

· Outsourced metalworking services

· Analytical and laboratory testing

· Condition monitoring

· System engineering

· Waste,  Water, Solids Management

Chemical Management Services

· Sump cleaning services

· Tank side additions and treatment

· Recycling and reclamation services

· Laboratory testing

· Data collection, tracking and trending

Maintenance Services

· ISO system implementation

· Health, Safety and Environment training

· Productivity employee training

· Sales and marketing training

· Market research


Business Process Improvements

For more details, please phone or email our customer service department.

Copyright 2008, Thai KDW Industrial Co., Limited

U Chu Liang Bldg.,

Post Net 105

968 Rama IV Road, Silom

Bangrak, Bangkok 11050

To contact us:

Phone:     +66 (0) 2.961.0957

                 +66 (0) 89.014.0590

Fax:          +66 (0) 2.961.0957
