About TKDW Group

Corporate Overview


Thai KDW Group

Thai KDW Industrial Co., Ltd.

Thai KDW Trading Co., Ltd.

Shanghai HDA Mechanical Engineering and Technology Co., Ltd. (49% joint venture)


The business purpose of the Company shall be as follows:

To manufacture, sell and lease all kinds of industrial lubricant recycling and filtration equipment.

To manufacture, sell and sell all kinds of industrial lubricant maintenance equipment.

To manufacture and sell all kinds of industrial lubricants.

To provide distribution and sales of industrial lubricant recycling and filtration equipment, secondary to our core manufactured equipment.

To provide distribution and sales of industrial lubricant maintenance equipment, secondary to our core manufactured equipment.

To provide distribution and sales of industrial lubricants secondary to our core manufactured lubricants.

To provide chemical management services on-site of customer industrial manufacturing sites.

To provide chemical engineering consulting to industrial manufacturing sites.

To provide mobile recycling services to industrial manufacturing sites.

Any businesses that are incidental to any the foregoing objectives.


Corporate Responsibility


Trade Name


The common name of the Company in English is Thai KDW Group or KDW”). KDW is shorten version for "Kang Da Wei", which in Chinese pinyin represents Wealth, Integrity and First in Class, all which is a basis for the philosophy of Thai KDW Group.




Thai KDW Group has its principle office in Bangkok and when deemed necessary for business purposes, may establish factories, branch offices, sub-branch offices or warehouse distribution centers at such places at home or abroad by a resolution of the Board of Directors.





Corporate Governance

Copyright 2008, Thai KDW Industrial Co., Limited

Thai KDW Industrial Co., Ltd.

Recycle! Reclaim! Reuse!

U Chu Liang Bldg.,

Post Net 105

968 Rama IV Road, Silom

Bangrak, Bangkok 11050

To contact us:

Phone:     +66 (0) 2.961.0957

                 +66 (0) 89.014.0590

Fax:          +66 (0) 2.961.0957




 Corporate Name

  Thai KDW Industrial Co., Ltd.

 Date of Establishment

  2008 (registration pending)

 Board Director

 TKDW General Manager

 SHDA General Manager

  Lamyai Collins 

  David Collins

  Andy Zhang


  Automotive, Machinery, Fabricated Goods, Metals, Process and General Industry

 Paid-In Capital

  THB 2,000,000

 Fiscal Year



  THB 2,000,000


  U Chu Liang Bldg., Post Net 105, 968 Rama IV Road,    

  Silom, Bangrak,  Bangkok 10500


  66 (0) 2.961.0957                        

  66 (0) 89.014.0590